NTT R&D Forum

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Have your ticket ready.  – IOWN is taking off NOW!

Date: November 16-18, 2022

IOWN Global Forum steps into its 2nd phase of proving its business value through Proof of Concept (PoC) activities. With the active members of Ericsson, Nokia, Red Hat, and SONY, the panel discusses specific PoC activities such as optical communication infrastructure that supports next-gen mobile network, next-gen computing infrastructure that supports information processing in data-centric society, use cases such as inspections by remote control of robots in factories, and building of test environments etc.


Gonzalo Camarillo, Ericsson


Masahisa Kawashima, NTT

Katsutoshi Itoh, Sony Group

Andres Arjona, Nokia

Ian A. Hood, Red Hat


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