May 12th

Japan Regional Workshop

IOWN Global Forum活動を加速するため、Japan Regional Workshopを開催。フォーラム最新動向と具体的なPoCやデモに触れ、メンバ間の交流と新たな活動へのヒントを得るチャンス!


To accelerate the IOWN Global Forum activities, a Regional Workshop will be held in Tokyo, Japan for local Members to attend and participate in discussions in Japanese. This will be an opportunity to capture the latest movements in the Forum, see and experience real PoCs, some with demonstrations, and network with attending members, which would be a great chance to find hints for new activities.

More information is available for Members here. Registration is closed. Please consider attending next time.


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To accelerate the IOWN Global Forum activities, a Regional Workshop will be held in Tokyo, Japan for local Members to attend and participate in discussions in Japanese. This will be an opportunity to capture the latest movements in the Forum, see and experience real PoCs, some with demonstrations,