How to join
The IOWN Global Forum is a community of industry-leading organizations from across the globe working together to accelerate the innovation and adoption of IOWN Global Forum technologies photonics-based technologies.
When you join the IOWN Global Forum, you are joining best-in-class partners committed to solving diverse challenges in creating a next-generation communications infrastructure for tomorrow.
When you join the IOWN Global Forum, you are joining best-in-class partners committed to solving diverse challenges in creating a next-generation communications infrastructure for tomorrow.
Join the IOWN Global Forum today to contribute to technology discussions and use case development to enable a photonics-based world.
Join the IOWN Global Forum today to contribute to technology discussions and use case development to enable a photonics-based world.
Why join the IOWN Global Forum
What differentiates the IOWN Global Forum from other communities is that our scope is full-stack and end-to-end. Our value comes from cross-layer coordination to make the total system highly powerful and efficient.
What differentiates IOWN Global Forum from other communities is that our scope is full-stack and end-to-end. Our value comes from cross-layer coordination to make the total system highly powerful and efficient.
Masahisa Kawashima
Masahisa Kawashima
NTT, Chair, Technology Working Group on why the Forum's work matters
Katsutoshi Itoh
Katsutoshi Itoh
Sony, Chair, Use Case Working Group, on how the diversity of industry players involved makes the Forum different and why we need your involvement.
Membership types
General Member
20,000 USD / year
For companies that are interested and want to be a part of the development of IOWN Global Forum influenced technologies.
- Eligible for Working Group Vice Chair
- May propose new work items
- May participate and vote in Working Groups
- May observe Working Groups
- Attend Forum events (i.e. member meetings and workshops)
- Promote involvement in the Forum
- Access to documents in progress
- Access to published documents
Sponsor Member
50,000 USD / year
For companies that are willing to commit time and resources to realize a world based on IOWN Global Forum influenced technologies.
- Eligible for seat on Board of Directors
- Eligible to vote in Board of Directors election
- Approval of final documents (Board only)
- Eligible for Member Committee Chair/Vice Chair/Member
- Eligible for Working Group Chair
- Includes General members benefits
Academic / Research Member
2,000 USD / year
For non-profit entities that are organized and operated primarily as an educational entity or research organization under the laws and regulations of its domicile jurisdiction.
- May propose new work items
- May participate in Working Groups
- May observe Working Groups
- Attend F2F events (i.e. member meetings)
- Promote involvement in the Forum
- Access to documents in progress
- Access to published documents
Membership types
General Member
20,000 USD / year
General Member
20,000 USD / yearFor companies that are interested and want to be a part of the development of IOWN Global Forum influenced technologies.
- Eligible for Working Group Vice Chair
- May propose new work items
- May participate and vote in Working Groups
- May observe Working Groups
- Attend Forum events (i.e. member meetings and workshops)
- Promote involvement in the Forum
- Access to documents in progress
- Access to published documents
Sponsor Member
50,000 USD / year
Sponsor Member
50,000 USD / yearFor companies that are willing to commit time and resources to realize a world based on IOWN Global Forum influenced technologies.
- Eligible for seat on Board of Directors
- Eligible to vote in Board of Directors election
- Approval of final documents (Board only)
- Eligible for Member Committee Chair/Vice Chair/Member
- Eligible for Working Group Chair
- Includes General members benefits
Academic / Research Member
2,000 USD / year
Academic / Research Member
2,000 USD / yearFor non-profit entities that are organized and operated primarily as an educational entity or research organization under the laws and regulations of its domicile jurisdiction.
- May propose new work items
- May participate in Working Groups
- May observe Working Groups
- Attend F2F events (i.e. member meetings)
- Promote involvement in the Forum
- Access to documents in progress
- Access to published documents
Steps to Join
Join the IOWN Global Forum in just three steps!
01Review the IOWN Global Forum Bylaws, IPR Policy, and Participation Agreement and submit the Participation Agreement.
Review the IOWN Global Forum Bylaws, IPR Policy, and Participation Agreement and submit the Participation Agreement.
Review the IOWN Global Forum Governing Documents (Bylaws, IPR Policy, and Participation Agreement) and submit the Participation Application.
Your application will be reviewed by the IOWN Global Forum membership team for completeness within 1 – 3 business days. If there are no questions you will receive an email from DocuSign to execute the Agreement or otherwise have the Agreement executed; the individual executing the Participation Agreement on behalf of the applicant Company warrants that he or she has all requisite signing authority for and on behalf of the entity seeking entry.
Affiliates of existing IOWN Global Forum Members may participate without voting rights under their own name by executing a Signatory Affiliate Acknowledgement agreement. Please contact to request a copy of this agreement.
Any questions can be directed to, who can provide answers or connect you with a resource within the IOWN Global Forum as needed.
02 Execute the Participation Agreement.
Execute the Participation Agreement.
The IOWN Global Forum Board of Directors will review all Participation Agreements. The review period takes one week, after which the IOWN Global Forum team will send you welcome materials with an invoice for your annual membership fee. If there are any questions or further review required, you will be notified and kept informed of the status.
03 Pay applicable initial Membership Fee associated with the Member Classification level selected.
Pay applicable initial Membership Fee associated with the Member Classification level selected.
Membership privileges will commence upon acceptance of the Agreement by the IOWN Global Forum Board of Directors, which shall occur after the receipt of the applicable initial Membership Fee associated with the Member Classification level selected.
Membership FAQs
New members
How can I join?
Please visit for instructions to join the IOWN Global Forum.
What is the difference between membership classes?
Sponsor Membership is for companies that are willing to commit time and resources to realize the world of IOWN technology. Sponsor Members are eligible for leadership positions, including a Board of Directors seat and all Steering Committee and Working Group leadership positions. Sponsor Members also can participate on IOWN technology Steering Committees.
General Membership is for companies that are interested in the world of IOWN technology and want to be a part of its development. With General Membership, a Company is able to vote in all Working Groups, make contributions, and suggest new work areas. Academic or
Research Membership is for non-profit entities that are organized and operated primarily as an educational entity or research organization under the laws and regulations of its domicile jurisdiction. This membership class was designed to give qualifying organizations the same rights as General membership, except without voting privileges and without the eligibility for a Vice Chair leadership position, for the reduced membership fee of $2,000 per year in recognition of their non-profit status.
What happens after I fill out and submit the Participation Agreement?
Your agreement will be reviewed by the IOWN Global Forum team for completeness and by the IOWN Global Forum Board of Directors. The review period takes one week, after which the IOWN Global Forum team will contact you with an invoice for your annual membership fee. If there are any questions or further review required, you will be notified and kept informed of the status.
How can I submit a Participation Application?
You can submit the Participation Agreement in one of the following ways
- Online
- Download and email a copy to
- Download and mail a copy using the contact information listed on the form.
How do I apply/qualify for Academic or Research Membership?
Please submit the completed Participation Agreement and proof you meet the requirements for the selected Membership Classification. Proof can be your Organization’s “charter” or “articles” or any other official document that describes how you are organized or formed in your jurisdiction. IOWN Global Forum will review any and all applications by academic institutions and research organizations for Membership to confirm the status of the applicant, and may reject an application if it determines that the applicant fails to meet the requirements for this Membership Classification.
Are there any restrictions to which Membership Class I can join?
Sponsor and General membership are open to all organizations, including Academic Institutions and Research Organizations.
The Academic or Research membership is only open to entities that meet the requirements to qualify as either an “academic institution” or “research organization”. An “academic institution” means any non-profit entity that is organized and operated primarily as an educational entity under the laws and regulations of its domicile jurisdiction. A “research organization” means any non-profit entity that is organized and operated primarily as a research organization under the laws and regulations of its domicile jurisdiction.
I am an Affiliate of a current Member. How can I participate?
Companies that are an Affiliate of a current Member (as defined in the IOWN Global Forum Bylaws) have two options for participation:
(1) Employees of an Affiliated company may participate as Member Representatives of the IOWN Global Forum Member
(2) The Affiliated company may request an Signatory Affiliate Acknowledgement agreement from and participate as a non-voting Affiliate under their own name within IOWN Global Forum. This agreement must be executed by the Signatory Affiliate, the current IOWN Global Forum Member, and IOWN Global Forum and carries one-time dues of $5,000.
Membership Dues
What are membership fees?
Membership fees are set by the IOWN Global Forum Board of Directors. Currently the annual Sponsor Membership fee is $50,000 USD and the annual General Membership fee is $20,000. IOWN Global Forum offers special membership terms for Academic or Research members with an annual fee of $2,000.
How long is the membership term?
Membership is active for 1 (one) year from the month you join. If an organization joins in May 31, 2020, their membership will be active for one year until May 30, 2021, at which point their membership will be eligible for renewal.
What payment methods are accepted?
IOWN Global Forum can accept payment by check or wire transfer. All necessary details to process payment are included on your invoice.
Are the membership dues inclusive of taxes and fees?
In the event any governmental authority imposes any sales, use or excise tax, duty, custom, levy, fee, or any other tax, charge or fee of any nature whatsoever related to the payment of the membership fees (collectively, the “Tax”), member shall be responsible to pay the Tax in full to ensure IOWN Global Forum collects the entire amount of its membership fees.
Meet the IOWN Global Forum
Members of the Forum gather regularly and speak at industry conferences and events. Find out where you can interact with us next.
Stay up to date
The Forum publishes an informational newsletter and shares industry updates periodically with the latest news, events, and technical information.
Join the movement
Join best-in-class partners committed to solving challenges in creating the next-generation communications infrastructure of tomorrow.