Welcome to the IOWN Global Forum Member Platform
We are pleased to welcome all members to the Innovative Optical Wireless Network Global Forum (IOWN Global Forum) Member Platform! This page is a collection of information and links to help new members navigate the Member Platform. Please read through the details carefully and don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
Your Account in the Member Platform
When you first login, take a few minutes to set up your Member Account. Click the icon in the top right corner to update your profile information, adjust your visibility settings in the Member Directory, and set the default notification frequency for messages. Under ‘My Settings’ you can further customize your Member Account by selecting your time-zone, customizing your profile visibility, and further personalizing your email notification settings.
Participate in Steering Committees & Working Groups
All Steering Committees and Working Groups have dedicated space on the platform. When you login you will see a list of active groups on the home page. Working Groups are open to all members, and you can join any and all Working Groups by clicking the ‘Join’ button. Steering Committees are open to Sponsor members; you can request membership by clicking the ‘Request’ button; once your membership class is confirmed you will be added to the Steering Committee.
Confluence Accounts
Much of our working group activities occur on Confluence, our online collaboration tool. To stay updated on activities and collaborate on working documents, please create an account using the link below:
IOWN Governing Documents
All activity in IOWN Global Forum is subject to compliance with the IOWN Global Forum Governing Documents. Copies of the governing documents are available to all members in the Resources section.
Marketing approval
When you join the IOWN Global Forum, we automatically add your name to the IOWN Global Forum Members site and IOWN Global Forum e-mail lists. If you wish to opt out of these opportunities, you must notify us.
Additional Member Accounts
IOWN Global Forum encourages you and your colleagues to actively participate in the Forum. To request additional accounts to access the platform, please contact [email protected] with the full name and company email of the individual requesting an account. Please note, the IOWN Global Forum membership team will create an account for any individual with a matching email domain; if there are any company restrictions on who you would like accessing the IOWN Global Forum from your organization please make sure to communicate that internally.