NTT’s Open APN PoC Project

This PoC project is a single-phase project. A PoC demonstration was conducted at the event described in Section 3. The performance measurements and evaluations were conducted using the demonstration system described in Section 4. Section 4 also describes the relationships to the PoC Reference [1]. Although it is intended to be a single-phase project, as there might be some successor PoC projects in future, some additional performance evaluations would be considered using the PoC system in this PoC.

Download Applicable PoC Reference Document:
PoC Report Participants:


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This PoC project is a single-phase project. A PoC demonstration was conducted at the event described in Section 3. The performance measurements and evaluations were conducted using the demonstration system described in Section 4. Section 4 also describes the relationships to the PoC Reference [1]. Although it is