The Marketing Steering Committee raises awareness of the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) and IOWN Global Forum (IOWN GF) by driving internal and external marketing communications programs and supporting membership growth.

The Technology Steering Committee provides Technical Working Group oversight. It assists the Board on the Working Groups’ management and operation including adhering to the IOWN Global Forum’s Bylaws, IPR Policy, and Operating Procedure.
The Technology Steering Committee is also responsible for cross-working group coordination, work item selection and prioritization, resource and workload planning.

The Vision Steering Committee oversees, coordinates, and aligns working groups related to users, customers, and businesses values, such as the Use Case Working Group. Additionally, the Vision Steering Committee cooperates closely with the Technology Steering Committee to share function and performance requirements and/or key technology capabilities in order to accelerate Working Group activities.
The Vision Steering Committee oversees the operations of the Use Case Working Group and other related working groups adhering to the IOWN Global Forum’s Governing Documents. It works with leadership on cross-Working Group coordination, work item selection and prioritization, and resource and workload planning. It also works with the Working Groups leadership to set basic visions and directions of focusing values in order to prioritize Working Group plans. The Vision Steering Committee reports to the Board on work plans, progress, outstanding issues, and deliverables, and assists the Board with Working Group management and operation.