
Hear from the VP of Telecom Laboratories at Chunghwa Telecom, Dr. Rong-Ruey Lee, as he answers, “What would be your message to your peers about the IOWN Global Forum?”

Hear from the Chief Standardization Officer at Ericsson, Per Beming, as he answers, “What would be your message to your peers about the IOWN Global Forum?”

Hear from Nokia’s Head of Standardization and Industry Environment, Ulrich Dropmann, as he answers, “What would be your message to your peers about the IOWN Global Forum?”

Hear from KDDI Corporation’s Deputy General Manager, Tomohiro Otani, as he answers, “What would be your message to your peers about the IOWN Global Forum?”

Hear from Mitsubishi Chemicals’ Chief Technology Officer, Larry Meixner, as he answers, “Do you have a message for your peers in the industry?”

Hear from Senior Vice President, CTO, Red Hat, Chris Wright as he answers, “Do you have a message for your peers in the industry?”

Hear from Corporate Executive Officer, EVP, Vice Head of System Platform Development, Fujitsu Limited, Shingo Mizuno as he answers, “Do you have a message for your peers in the industry?”

Hear from Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, Ciena, Steve Alexander, as he answers, “Do you have a message for your peers in the industry?”